Kamea Residencies built by Caelum Development is an luxury apartment complex equipped with LCN in the standard. This system controls all flats, as well as common areas - from the lighting to the water fountain.
DOMIQ modules enable remote control of flats, air conditioning, intrustion detection system monitoring as well as creating automation schedules. Remote access to LCN installation will enable service companies to offer extremely quick customization services.
Demo Apartment installation contains 18 LCN modules, that control lighting, heating, airconditioning and ventilation systems. It also has DOMIQ/Base and DOMIQ/Serial-2SI modules, that integrate LCN system with intrusion detection system SATEL Integra. Apartment is controllable from any place in the world thanks to DOMIQ/Remote application working on iPod Touch or iPhone. In central area of the apartment is installed wall mount display from IOS Mediensysteme.
More information about Open Days is placed on Kamea Residencies web page.