Update: Base | New Configurator

2020 9 November

Today we published an update that introduces a completely new configurator to the DOMIQ/Base module! The new configurator replaces the old one that uses Adobe Flash plugin. Migration to the new configurator is done through regular update. No additional steps or configuration changes are required!

NOTICE: Both the systempak and webpak components must be updated at the same time - this is essential for seamless migration process. The update window should indicate both components in version If for some reason you do not see both in this version, please contact us and do not upgrade. The RTOS component must be or newer.

If the login window does not appear after update, please clear the browser cache and reload page. 

The new configurator was created completely from scratch. We have rebuilt user interface to be more intuitive. However the workflow and configuration process remained the same to make migration process as simple as possible. Key changes are:

  1. We added search bar that allows to search elements by their names in the Remote, Display, Events and Timers tabs, to make it easier to edit the configuration. Also the State tab allows to use search bar to check value of the identifier you are interested in.
  2. Tabs mentioned above allows to copy/paste elements to speed up the configuration process, especially when elements have similar settings.
  3. Moreover the Events and Timers tabs have option for testing of assigned actions. Rebuilt Actions window also allows to deactivate any action and to add a description to it for more readable configuration.
  4. The Logic tab has whole new scripts editor. The new editor gained few new fancy functions:
    1. Undo/redo
    2. Support for search option built into the browser (CTRL+F)
    3. Syntax highlighting
    4. Autocomplete
  5. The Resources tab now allows you to upload multiple files simultaneously.
  6. We added landing page after login.

The main change is support for the new configurator. But we also made some minor changes to improve our system functionality. Full list of changes available below:

  1. From now on the Base module can handle up to 3 (so far max. 2) modules from the Serial Generic (xSG) series.
  2. We added the „toggle“ command to control DALI balasts.
  3. We added new command for of relays connected to the DOMIQ/Expander module. The new command allows to turn on a relay for a specified period of time. The syntax of the new command is as follows: EXP.imp.M.W = period_length, where M - expander address, W - output number. Example: C.EXP.imp.3.1 = 500 - will activate the output no. 1 in the expander with address 3 for 500 miliseconds.
  4. Fixed bug in handling of commands sent to all DALI balasts (DALI.1.all group of commands).
  5. We added support for LCN S0 impulse counters. Counted impulses are available in Base’s state using the following identifier: LCN.value.S.M.s0x, where S - segment, M - module ID in the LCN, x - counter number. Example: LCN.value.0.10.s01.

BUS4 - 1.04 - Update for DOMIQ/Light modules.
This updates improves handling of DALI balasts, which results in overall better performance and stability of the Light module.

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