Update: Configurator

2020 23 November

Today we have released an update of the configurator. This update mostly fixes known issues. Full list of changes below:

  1. Fixed displaying of data in the Authorizations window when no devices are paired.
  2. Fixed showing of the Channels description window in the DMX tab.
  3. Fixed bug in copying of controls in the search results in the Remote tab.
  4. Fixed saving procedure in case of syntax error in the Remote and Display tabs.
  5. Fixed copying of layers in the Display tab.
  6. Fixed updating of names of layers and screens in the Switch properties on visualization.
  7. Fixed deleting of screens on the visualization (the screen remained visible after its removal until another screen was selected).
  8. Fixed the problem with refreshing the files displayed in the Resources tab after uploading a newer version of the file.
  9. Fixed translations in the Status and IDS Input controls in the Remote tab.
  10. Fixed sorting issue in the State tab.
  11. Fixed sending of test commands in the Timers and Events tabs.
  12. Fixed validation of the LCN configuration in the +LCN option.
  13. Added the „Select All“ option in the Remote and Display tabs.
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